RyanBlog:entry:Jan 13, 2006

Technically, I *am* root for the home team. Weird, huh?
(I need a new pun here, huh...)

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January 13, 2006

Hack Your Socks

I have advocated doing this for several years, and have actually gone partway towards doing so recently.

Essentially, you throw away all your socks, buy a bunch of new ones, all the same kind (or some black, some white), and never have to pair them again.

I've got a lot of socks that are all the same, and I find myself wearing them far more often than the "non-gang" socks. I've gone so far as to suggest that if purchased in bulk, it's not a completely unreasonable expense to just buy 365 pairs of socks per year (at probably less than a buck a pair) and just throw them away daily. I realize this is terribly wasteful, and would not actually do this. It's not only wasteful of cotton, clothing, and landfill space, but of the shiny washing machine in my new house.

Having a "cleaning lady" who sorted my socks until just recently (she's not doing laundry for us anymore since we got the new house) also was a crutch for me, since I was never bored senseless by having to match up my own socks. I predict that my current sock supply that doesn't match a significant percentage of the rest of my sock supply will rapidly get sorted to the back of the drawer.

I think I'll probably go with black, white, and gray, though. With a few pairs of thin black dress socks, too. I live for style.

| Comments (0) - Posted by ryan at 04:32 PM