RyanBlog:entry:Mar 13, 2011
Technically, I *am* root for the home team. Weird, huh?
(I need a new pun here, huh...)
March 13, 2011
testing the migration
So, we're back in California, and the cats are happy to see us. Charlie, the dog we transported to the east coast is doing well, and my friends want an oil painting of this:
Friends were visited, and business got done... looking forward to working with those guys again! Hope they're not too demanding a customer...
If you're reading this, and we missed you, we'll be back in NYC in April for two friends' wedding, around Easter.
While we were in Manhattan, I met up with several of my fellow Forced March bloggers, including the ringleader, Beth, who wondered aloud whether we could ever have a blogging platform from this millennium. (I originally installed friggin GreyMatter for Beth back in the day... we're probably lucky we're not still using that to paint our digital bison on the cave walls.)
...anyway, before I plop into bed (I always return from a "vacation" exhausted), I figured I'd update this blog here, and try an import of all the old entries onto a newer platform, which I've done over here, on a server at Joyent. It still needs some tweaks, and I'll change it ten times before I update the template and launch it, but it looks pretty good for a first pass, I think.