RyanBlog:entry:Mar 16, 2011

Technically, I *am* root for the home team. Weird, huh?
(I need a new pun here, huh...)

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March 16, 2011

Need A Bigger Apartment

I think Maggie and I will be moving to a bigger place when our current lease is up (in a few months).

I've got boxes and baskets of stuff like this piled in the corners of our home-office:

Yeah, that's a Timex-Sinclair 1000 on top of an OmniGraffle software box, on top of a Newton MessagePad 120, next to a classic Atari 2600 Joystick.

There's a Fisher Price PXL 2000 camera in one of the baskets beneath it.

All that stuff's priceless, and I'd probably only get $50 for the lot on eBay. So it sits in baskets, and waits.

| Comments (1) - Posted by ryan at 08:51 PM